I am not satisfied with the result of my stitching for Stickamazonen Challange but glad that I tried this stitch. I call my sample 'Flowers, Hills, and Waves'. Ich bin nicht gerade zufrieden mit meinem Stickergebnis der Stickamazonen Challenge aber sehr froh, daß ich den Stich ausprobiert habe. Ich nenne mein Pröbchen 'Blumen, Berge und Wellen'.
Hi Raphaela, I think the description you have given this is really appropriate because that is just what it looks like.
Thank you for your kind comments on both my stitches. As you may have realised I am obsessed with reef stuff. However by doing these interpretations it might help someone who wants to try that and inspire them to come up with ideas as well.
A few years ago I discovered the world of textile art and since then I try to be creative. I am eager to learn and take online classes. My favorites are bead embroidery, crazy quilting, and stitching. I love to work by hand, slowly.
I am a full-time worker, wife, mother of three adults. I live in Germany.
Vor einigen Jahren habe ich die Welt der Textilkunst entdeckt und versuche seitdem mich kreativ zu betätigen. Ich bin begierig darauf zu lernen und nehme Online-Kurse. Perlenarbeiten, Crazy Quilts und Stickereien mag ich am liebsten. Ich arbeite gern von Hand, langsam.
Ich habe einen Vollzeitjob, bin Ehefrau und Mutter dreier erwachsener Kinder. Ich lebe in Deutschland.
1 comment:
Hi Raphaela, I think the description you have given this is really appropriate because that is just what it looks like.
Thank you for your kind comments on both my stitches. As you may have realised I am obsessed with reef stuff. However by doing these interpretations it might help someone who wants to try that and inspire them to come up with ideas as well.
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