I am not satisfied with my buttonhole picots. I tried several time but this is all I can come up with at the moment. For instructions see Pin Tangle.
Mit meinem Stickergebnis bin ich gar nicht zufrieden. Auch nach mehreren Versuchen ist dies alles, womit ich aufwarten kann. Für die Anleitung siehe Pin Tangle.
Hi Raphaela! Welcome to the BJP. I am so glad that you are going to participate. This will be my second year, though I didn't complete either of the first two, its no matter. I was a beginning bead embroiderer when I started and learned a lot about myself along the way. The best part for me, was the new friends I made.
A few years ago I discovered the world of textile art and since then I try to be creative. I am eager to learn and take online classes. My favorites are bead embroidery, crazy quilting, and stitching. I love to work by hand, slowly.
I am a full-time worker, wife, mother of three adults. I live in Germany.
Vor einigen Jahren habe ich die Welt der Textilkunst entdeckt und versuche seitdem mich kreativ zu betätigen. Ich bin begierig darauf zu lernen und nehme Online-Kurse. Perlenarbeiten, Crazy Quilts und Stickereien mag ich am liebsten. Ich arbeite gern von Hand, langsam.
Ich habe einen Vollzeitjob, bin Ehefrau und Mutter dreier erwachsener Kinder. Ich lebe in Deutschland.
1 comment:
Hi Raphaela!
Welcome to the BJP. I am so glad that you are going to participate. This will be my second year, though I didn't complete either of the first two, its no matter. I was a beginning bead embroiderer when I started and learned a lot about myself along the way. The best part for me, was the new friends I made.
Merry Christmas
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