Ich habe mich entschlossen, an SharonB's TAST2 challenge teilzunehmen. Also habe ich mich am Rautenstich versucht. Ich habe eine Weile gebraucht, den Stich hinzubekommen, aber nachdem ich erst einmal den Rhythmus gefunden hatte, war es eine Freude ihn zu sticken.
You have use beautiful colours of thread for your trials...looks beautiful...........and i even liked ur doodle and beads work...
wow!!! so many stitches overlapping gives a beautiful texture:-)
Jepp, der Stich ist anfangs etwas kompliziert.
Sieht superschön aus.
Lovely work - such confidence ! Its gorgeous.
Love your colours too ......
Wonderful colours and textures such freedom and creativity.
Very cool! I love the way you piled all the stitches on top of eachother. I wanted to try that but ran out of time!
I love ur diamond stitch..
like ur bead works too..its so beautiful..
I was inspired by how pretty both your beaded seams are
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